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Keep paws clean and dry, checking often for cuts or lesions; avoid dirty, muddy areas and you'll help to keep your dog safe from an unpleasant disease known as Alabama Rot...
Did you know that in the UK, 1 in 3 cats and 1 in 4 dogs are overweight? And as so many owners think their pet’s weight is fine, the problem continues to grow.
Christmas is over, the weather is still cold and the nights are still dark, but it’s nothing your pet can’t fix…
A look at what routine vaccinations and boosters cover, and why they’re so important for the welfare of our pets…
Brrrr! As the temperature drops a tad closer to zero, let's look at how to keep our furry friends nice and warm...
HOOMAN! Find out how to keep your pet comfortable and calm during the Firework festivities, courtesy of BorrowMyDoggy…
We take a look at the seasonal plants to keep your pets away from this autumn...
Do you often wonder about this? Science Magazine recently published some interesting findings on why cats eat grass…
Using sound therapy, you can desensitise your dog to the horrible sounds of fireworks. The sooner you start, the better…
Beach season is finally here! Keep your dog happy and healthy on the sand and in the sea with our beach safety tips…
It's summer! Read our summertime safety tips to make sure your pets stay comfy and cool as the weather gets warmer...
Dogs aren't the best at distinguishing the difference between lovely fresh food and food that's gone mouldy, so it's important to keep it out of their reach...